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Top 10 Reasons for Parents to Invest in MaxBP

Written by: Coach Ross



Time to read 9 min

As we all prepare for a new decade, the 2020's, it's increasingly challenging to decipher which type of training is the most valuable for a developing athlete. Utilizing a small ball approach that focuses on reaction training, we believe that families will be hard pressed to find better value in a training device than MaxBP. Here are the "Top 10 Reasons for Parents to Invest in MaxBP."

1 - Save Money

MaxBP allows players and their families the opportunity to save time and money, while providing their athlete with more reps than ever at the fraction of the price.In 2019, the median U.S. household income was recorded at $63,179. For the average family that doesn’t leave much expendable cash to spend. Families with children are often faced with the tough decision of where and when to spend extra funds. Upgrades to the home? A new car? College savings? Summer Camps? Clubs or athletic programs? These are tough budget decisions that many families face on an annual basis.

For families who have children with a passion for athletics it’s especially difficult to decide where and when to spend money. Should families invest in top of the line equipment? Is it better to spend money on private lessons? Or is it best to buy batting cage tokens in bulk for extended reps? It’s a tough call.

With MaxBP you’ll never have to worry about traveling to another location to train. Practice your craft from the comfort of your own home and at the luxury of your own schedule. This allows an athlete to enjoy training without the inconvenience of sharing facilities or equipment with others. MaxBP allows players and their families the opportunity to save time and money, while providing their athlete with more reps than ever at the fraction of the price.

More details in the December 8th post HERE

2 - Bonding Experience

Only a child and their parents can truly appreciate the magic that occurs as they pursue a particular dream together.Only a child and their parents can truly appreciate the magic that occurs as they pursue a particular dream together. With every stepping stone and accomplished goal, the child’s confidence grows and the parent is there to soak it all in - it’s one of life’s greatest gifts. Even if the ultimate dream never comes to fruition, the memories last a lifetime and the lessons learned along the way are priceless.

It has been discussed that MaxBP provides an athlete with the opportunity to practice on their own. All it takes is a flick of a switch, and an athlete can train to the tune of approximately 120 wiffle balls per round; however, working with a teammate or parent provides the ultimate experience. Whether it be another set of eyes to recommend a fundamental adjustment, positive words of encouragement amidst a slump or an extra set of hands to help shag - teamwork makes the dream work.

Parents may want to consider an alternative to the typical gifts being bestowed in the 21st century. Instead of the newest electronics - video games, laptops, cell phones - consider a piece of technology that will have a lasting impact you'll never forget - MaxBP. If it’s anything like the childhood I experienced, the athlete will gain knowledge, determination, physical fitness and memories that will last a lifetime.

More details in the December 9th post HERE


3 - The Joys of Success

The best way to gain confidence is through lots of repetition and skill development. If a player spends countless hours working on their craft, they will feel more comfortable and confident, which will lead to more success on game day.Every parent wants to see their child succeed. Whether it be in school, a particular hobby or sports - watching a child experience the joys of success is a proud moment for a parent. The flip side of that is the angst a parent feels as they watch their child struggle.

Sports are particularly challenging because it’s common for an athlete to go through their trials and tribulations, from one season to the next, as the competition stiffens. This is especially true in baseball and softball, where the best high school players fail 50% of the time, the best collegiate players fail 60% of the time, and the best professional players fail 70% of the time!

It’s safe to say that those athletes who earn a college scholarship or a professional contract on the diamond, must have incredible mental discipline. There are a number of different ways to develop a mentally sound approach in athletics, and in life, but it all starts with confidence. The best way to gain confidence is through lots of repetition and skill development. If a player spends countless hours working on their craft, they will feel more comfortable and confident, which will lead to more success on game day.

More details in the December 10th post HERE

4 - Protect Your Arm

Give your arm some much needed rest, and let MaxBP carry the burden of a lofty pitch count.Are you constantly out in the yard or down at the ballpark throwing batting practice to your kids? Do you have an athlete who can’t seem to get enough practice time and your having a difficult time keeping up with their demands? Give your arm some much needed rest, and let MaxBP carry the burden of a lofty pitch count.

MaxBP is a game changer because it provides athletes with unlimited practice opportunities at all times, with or without a training partner. Does Dad have to stay late for work? Is Mom busy with your little brother or sister? No worries, flip the switch and have some fun.

There's no sense in moping around because your friends or family who don’t have time to train with you. MaxBP is a true gift for dedicated ballplayers, because it is always on time, doesn’t get sick and never has to stay late for work. Therefore, an athletes only have themselves to blame if they don’t get their reps in on a regular basis.

More details in the December 12th post HERE

5 - Life Gets Busy

Don't let your athlete’s training regimen be part of thatLife seems to get busier from one year to the next. No matter what you do to stay ahead, there never seems to be much time to spare. For many parents with a combination of career, child care and home responsibilities, it’s challenging to spend one-on-one time with an athlete. MaxBP could help remedy that situation. Providing premium training for your athlete and buying their folks some much needed spare time.

In a matter of several minutes, a parent can set-up the MaxBP and get their child situated. It’s always a good idea to go over a few elements of the swing your focusing on, and then - Voila! Flip the switch and let the fun begin.

Between school, work, sports, family obligations and everything else that makes up our daily schedules - life gets busy! Don't let your athlete’s training regimen be part of that "I didn't get around to it" category. It’s their dream after all, and they only get one shot at it.

More Details in the December 13th post HERE


6 - Put that Extra Space to Use

MaxBP is unique training tool, because it provides pro-level training and unlimited reps, while only requiring a minimal amount of space.Do you have some extra space in your home that is being underutilized and collecting cobwebs? A basement? A detached garage? An old carport? Mama’s spacious She-shed? Get creative with that area and turn it into your very own training facility.

MaxBP is unique training tool, because it provides pro-level training and unlimited reps, while only requiring a minimal amount of space. The opportunities to practice are endless when all you need is 15-20 feet of indoor or outdoor space to enjoy MaxBP’s Reaction Training with golf ball sized wiffles.

You’ve probably told your kids not to play ball in the house, and that’s a reasonable request; however, plastic wiffles don’t do the same damage as tightly wound leather or even a tennis ball. We’ve had athletes from little league players to Major League players train with MaxBP in their living rooms, hotel rooms - even Major League clubhouses! If your set on the “no ball in the house,” but you’d like to give your child the opportunity to train from the comfort of how - the garage, basement or a covered area like a carport is likely your best bet.

More details in the December 15th post HERE

7 - Great Exercise

A few sessions with our pitching machines and your kids will be feeling lighter on their feet, more confident at the plate and loving every minute of it.Do you feel like your kids are spending too much in front of the television? Are they always on their mobile phone? Is their tablet their most prized possession? In this day and age, it can be challenging to keep kids motivated and active. When it comes to training for baseball, softball, lacrosse and other sports that require an athlete to track, catch or hit a moving object, it's particularly challenging because the training must be done at training facility or park.

Basketball players have the luxury to step outside and take some shots in their driveway or backyard. Why not baseball and softball players? Would the convenience of practicing at home make a difference in the number of reps your athlete gets on an annual basis? Would this opportunity provide them with more practice opportunities? Would this additional exercise benefit their overall health and athleticism?

MaxBP provides a quality cardiovascular workout, second-to-none training and it's fun! A few sessions with our pitching machines and your kids will be feeling lighter on their feet, more confident at the plate and loving every minute of it.

More details in the December 17th post HERE

8 - Life Lessons

Success starts with preparation, which leads to a sound training regimen, which leads to improvement, and eventually self belief.As parents we are constantly trying to teach our kids valuable lessons. The hope is that one day all of those teachable moments will lead to a fulfilling and happy life. Success plays a big role in this, whether it be money, career, relationships - it’s human nature to desire affirmations and feel some love from the world. As human beings we’re best suited to feed that animal, as early and often as possible - to help build confidence and personal security.

Undoubtedly, there is some luck involved, but more often, the pressure and everything that comes with it gets the best of an individual. Often times the mental part of the game is the difference between success and failure. So, how do we prepare ourselves for success from one moment to the next? It all starts with preparation, which leads to a sound training regimen, which leads to improvement, and eventually self belief.

If you have a good thing going, maintain that upward trajectory with increased repetition and new implementations. If you’re down in the dumps, make a game plan, even if it’s drastic, and start working smarter and harder. Those individuals who maintain a consistent and diligent regimen will see positive results and reap the benefits of a fulfilling and successful athletic experience. Where will that road take them? It's tough to predict what the future holds, but for those athletes determined to control their own destiny, the possibilities are exhilarating.

More details in the December 19th post HERE


9 - Much Needed R&R

Give yourself the quality rest and relaxation you deserve and provide your children with an outlet that will promote physical fitness and lots of fun.In a day and age where most families have dual income households, it can be a challenge for parents to get some peace and quiet after a hard day of work. This much needed rest and relaxation is often seen as a luxury, not a necessity, but it doesn’t have to be! Not if you have a way to keep your children occupied with their time.

For generations basketball hoops have been a staple in homes throughout the country, providing unlimited hours of exercise and quality entertainment. But, what about those individuals who aren’t interested in basketball? Or for dual sport athletes who would enjoy another activity to choose from? For individuals who enjoy baseball, softball, cricket, lacrosse, hockey or other sports that require them to track,catch or hit a moving object - MaxBP is the training device you’ve been waiting for. Providing unlimited training for athletes of all ages and skill levels.

Spending valuable time with your children is a joyful experience, but sometimes, especially during the work week, we all need a little break. Give yourself the quality rest and relaxation you deserve and provide your children with an outlet that will promote physical fitness and lots of fun.

More details from the December 21st post HERE

10 - Safe and Convenient Practice

Stop spending unnecessary time and money on a pedestrian training regimen, when you can enjoy professional grade training - safely, conveniently and more frequently - for pennies on the dollar.There’s something to be said about having your kids in your presence. It’s comforting knowing that they are close by and safe. Unfortunately, most communities aren’t as safe as they once were. People don’t leave their homes unlocked, children don’t walk to and from school unattended, nor do they roam freely around the neighborhood on their bicycles. It’s a shame, but it’s the reality of the world we live in.

Making this an even greater issue is the fact that parents have to work so hard to make ends meet, leaving them little to no time to participate in their children’s recreational activities. So, what should a parent do? It’s unfair and unhealthy to keep a child cooped up in their home, but is it worth the risk of giving them free reign and inviting a potentially harmful situation? The best solution may be to provide opportunities within the comfort of your own home and property - it’s safe and convenient.

Take comfort in the fact that your child can practice their craft in their own backyard, basement or garage - all you need is 15-30 feet of space. Stop spending unnecessary time and money on a pedestrian training regimen, when you can enjoy professional grade training - safely, conveniently and more frequently - for pennies on the dollar.

More details from the December 22nd post HERE





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